Computer science has gained popularity among kids and teens because of its importance in today’s technological world. 

Many countries around the world have adopted computer science curriculum for students in K-12. In addition, computer literacy is now fundamental in education and many career fields.

💻 Prepare your child for success: If you are looking for your child to learn to code, explore our live, teacher-led coding classes. View Programs.

There are many fun ways to engage your child in computer science and programming. Our computer science classes focus on making learning engaging and effective. The concepts can be difficult, but, with the right motivation and support, kids can learn to build games, websites, and apps.

Even if they’re not interested in computer science as a career, the benefits of learning computer science and computation thinking can help them in the long term. 

What Is Computer Science For Kids?

Computer science for kids is how we teach children about the study of computers and computational systems. 

CS (computer science) studies the theory, design, development, and application of software and software systems. It combines mathematics, engineering, and science to develop computer systems. 

Computer science covers many topics such as:

Computer scientists think in terms of algorithms, a process or set of rules to perform operations. They then apply these to computers using programming languages.

An example of a simple algorithm for kids is tying your shoe. The step-by-step process is repeated each time and even 5-year-olds can complete the steps. In computer science and coding, these instructions would be given to a computer to execute.

Computers use algorithms to solve complex problems and children can do the same!

Why Should Kids Learn Computer Science?

Kids should learn computer science to better prepare for the future. Even basic coding skills will give them an edge in college, career, and life in general. 

The study of computer science has become an integral part of our world. In many countries, computer science for kids has become a core subject like math or science. In the U.S., only 27 states currently require all high schools to offer computer science. However, this is likely to change in the future as the need for STEM workers increases. 

US States Requiring Coding

Being tech-literate also helps kids understand the world around them and make better decisions as consumers. 

Computer science education will give your kid an advantage as technology becomes more prevalent. They can use technology to improve their lives and the lives of others. 

A Fun and Engaging Computer Science Curriculum

Kids can have a good time and express their creativity when learning computer science and coding. If your child’s school offers a computer science curriculum, take advantage of these classes as early as possible. 

For those without a school computer science curriculum, CodeWizardsHQ offers small-group online computer science classes that are fun and engaging for kids. Students learn from a live instructor and build interactive projects in every class so they develop a passion for learning computer science. This curriculum shows kids how to solve problems using code and teaches both front and back-end coding. By the end of the program, they are ready to do a real-world internship.

Benefits of Computer Science for Kids

Apart from learning coding languages, the skills learned in computer science translate well to many other parts of life.

Computer Science Helps Children Learn Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is a core skill that kids learn in CS. Kids who study computer science will learn about computational thinking. Computer scientists practice this process of solving problems by breaking them down into steps. 

In the same way, computational thinking allows children to break down complex problems of their own into more manageable steps. That way, they can better understand the problem at hand and find a solution.

For example, if a child wants to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They’ll need to figure out the steps to making a sandwich first, put them in the right order, and execute them. By practicing this process using code, kids can learn the best way to solve any problem they come across.

Computer Science Helps Children Develop Other Important Life Skills

Aside from problem-solving, there are many other soft skills that kids learn through coding and computer science. All of these skills are needed in daily life including:

Kids should learn coding and computer science to practice these skills in a safe environment. Many of those skills are not taught in the classroom but developed through different experiences and practice. The more opportunities your child has to practice these skills, the more prepared they will be for the real world.

Computer Science Gives Your Child a Huge Career Advantage

Studying computer science means your child has the skills to pursue some of the highest-paying jobs. In 2023, the top STEM job is Software Developer, with an average salary of $120,730. 

Top Stem Jobs 2023

Computer science has also become an integral part of many other career fields such as medicine, science, manufacturing, and even the arts. For example, the process of debugging code aligns nicely with the scientific method. Coders and scientists both test their hypotheses through experimentation. They observe the results and adjust based on what they see.

In these fields, computer science and coding knowledge can be an asset others do not have. Coding education will expand the possibilities of how kids work with their passions, helping them capitalize on emerging areas of any industry. 

Computer Science Helps Kids Better Understand the World Around Them

Our kids need the ability to use, manage, and assess technology safely, effectively, and responsibly. For example, most kids are interacting with computers and artificial intelligence every day. But, do they understand how it works? 

Understanding, for example, how Alexa receives and responds to questions will help kids better interact with this technology. Also, they’ll have a better understanding of the responses and whether or not they’re to be trusted. They won’t take the technology around them at face value and will have the tech savvy to use it to their benefit.  

Learning computer science and computer programming will get kids excited about technology and other STEM topics. 

Computer Science Uses Critical Thinking

Students have to make choices every time they code and make judgments and decisions based on reason and logic. Since there are many ways to solve a single problem, they will practice analyzing multiple paths to choose the best one. 

In computer science, the results of those decisions are often immediate. Because of that, kids get to practice critical thinking often and become better decision-makers.

Computer Science Develops Confidence

One of the best ways to build self-confidence is to become more competent at something. 

While learning to code, kids meet small milestones that add up to a large accomplishment. This happens over and over again as they build on their coding skills. They become better at coding and this positive feedback loop boosts their self-confidence.

Coding for kids provides a lot of these opportunities for small successes. Once you get that experience, you can apply it to other things in your life. If you set out to accomplish a goal, like running a 5k, and you accomplish it, you’ll have the confidence to apply for the next one and maybe a 10k in the future. 

Computer Science Teaches Perseverance

Children with perseverance have the capacity and courage to overcome hardships and challenges in their lives. CS requires perseverance to complete a goal. While learning computer science, students may have difficulty learning hard, abstract concepts, but push through to understand.

In writing a program or building a game, kids will experience tough challenges that require weeks, if not months, of focus. These challenges can also be frustrating, but the ability to overcome teaches them to persevere.

26 Reasons Learning to Code Benefits Your Child

Is Coding a Part Of Computer Science For Kids?

Coding is a large part of computer science for kids. Coding and programming are the applied portion of computer science. 

Computer scientists and software engineers decide what the instructions should be and a team of programmers will write the instructions in code. Coding is the foundation of fields like artificial intelligence and robotics. AI is trained and run using different coding languages and robots are also programmed through code. 

What Are the Basics of Computer Science?

Kids interested in learning computer science can start with the basics. They should be able to understand and explain:

We’re interacting with computers and the internet every day, but how do they actually function? That’s what kids will learn about in computer science. For kids in our coding classes, we break down concepts around computer science with examples in the real world. This is a simple illustration of how the internet works that children easily understand:

how the internet works graphic

When it comes to coding, basic computer science concepts include:

You can introduce these concepts to your kids as early as elementary school. It’s an easy way to gauge their interest and set them up for success. Learning these basic computer science concepts will prepare them for more advanced topics later on.

How Kids Can Learn Computer Science

Computer Science in Scratch

Scratch coding is a great way for young kids to learn about computer science. The platform is free and the colorful blocks and easy-to-use interface make it engaging and ideal for kids. They can study key concepts without knowing text-based programming languages because Scratch is drag-and-drop. Scratch helps kids learn coding fundamentals like variables, loops, conditionals, if-then statements, and more in a safe and fun environment.

Computer Science in Python

Python is an easy programming language for older kids to get started with. It’s a text-based language that power many of the world’s most popular websites, like YouTube. Python is unique in that it’s easy to understand, even for kids with no programming experience. Learning to code in Python or another kids coding languages is a good introduction to computer science. 

Computer Science Classes

If you don’t want to learn on your own, taking a computer science class is ideal. Some schools have a computer science curriculum that you can take for a grade. However, many schools do not offer CS classes, especially elementary and middle schools. If that’s the case, there are many online and afterschool computer science classes to choose from. 

Our online coding classes are the most fun and effective because of our live teachers and progressive curriculum. You should look for classes that keep your child engaged and have a pathway to advance in skills. Starting with computer science classes in elementary and middle school will prepare students for AP Computer Science in high school and CS majors in college too.

Computer Science Camps

There are now in-person summer camps as well as virtual coding camps that kids can participate in. You can even choose sleepover camps or a day camp if you prefer. You can select a camp based on your child’s age as well as the coding language or computer science topic they’re interested in. The best computer science camps for beginners teach a solid foundation that kids can continue to build on throughout the school year. 

Computer Science Games

Kids want to learn programming concepts in a fun way and coding games are one of the easiest ways to get kids engaged. There are coding games for kids as young as four years old. Gamified learning can enhance their learning experience and keep children motivated. Computer science games introduce kids to concepts through puzzles, board games, RPGs, robots, and more. 

Computer Science Books

Kids who learn best through reading and written content can start with computer science books. You can look for books that cover the main computer science topics, focus on one language or area of CS, have photos and visuals, and are easy for your child to understand. Your child might want to read about game development or building mobile apps, there’s basically a book for that. There are also computer science workbooks and project books that put what their reading into action. 

Start Learning Computer Science!

Every child can benefit from a computer science education. So, now is a great time to develop those skills with live, online coding classes. Kids can learn to code in Scratch, Python, and Java and build their own games, websites, and apps!

Start learning computer science in our elementary school (grades 3-5), middle (grades 6-8), or high school (grades 9-12) coding program. In the summer, kids can also take an accelerated version of our classes in 3-week summer coding classes