Is your child curious about coding? Perhaps they love to play Minecraft or Roblox. Or maybe you want to give them exposure to computer science. A summer coding camp is a great way for kids to try coding or build on what they already know. And if summer is not the right time, online coding classes are another great option.

Ease Your Child Into Coding With a Summer Camp

Summer is a good time to explore the world of coding because it’s a great way for kids to get their feet wet without much pressure. Fortunately, there are many coding and STEM-oriented summer camps for kids, both in-person and online. While most kids attend in-person camps, some participate in online camps with organizations like CodeWizardsHQ.

Boy in summer coding class.

For kids who are already coding, it’s an effective way to build on what they’ve learned during the school year at a time when they can completely immerse themselves in the subject. 

Trying coding for the first time? Some kids are excited and ready to dive in, while others may hesitate. STEM camp providers know that most young kids have little to no coding experience, so they make sure to strike a balance between learning and having fun. When I say learning, it’s generally done with lots of hands-on exploration and student projects. In my experience, camps that teach Scratch programming, game development with Minecraft and Roblox, and a combination of robotics and coding are great starting points for kids new to coding.

After Summer Camp, What’s Next? Try an Online Class.

Many parents tell me their child loved their summer coding camp and wants to do more, but they’re unsure how to proceed. And while some urban areas have brick-and-mortar coding class centers, other areas may not have those options. One of my recommendations for learning to code during the school year is to consider live, online instruction. This has become a popular and effective way to learn to code because it’s convenient, consistent, and formally scheduled. Some students pick right back up right after the summer by taking online fall classes, while others spread classes out during the school year based on their schedules.

Girl enjoying coding camp.

What Parents and Students Say About Online Coding Classes

One major value of online classes is that they allow students to learn year-round. You’ll find there are many computer science paths available, along with structured programs that help students progress in their knowledge and skills. Parents give online classes high marks for the following reasons:

  1. The flexibility to schedule classes when it’s convenient for the family is a huge win for both kids and their parents.
  2. Access to a wide variety of computer science topics, including learning coding languages like Python and Java, developing websites and building apps, and learning about fields like artificial intelligence and data science.
  3. The opportunity to follow and complete a structured curriculum and make in-depth progress in learning a coding language.
  4. Ability to choose a program format that fits a child’s learning and instruction style.

Online Learning With CodeWizardsHQ

CodeWizardsHQ was an early leader in the field of online coding classes and has developed a unique approach to teaching coding online that engages students and motivates them to learn. I admire their thoughtfully developed and structured curriculum that allows students to start in elementary school with a block-based computer language and conclude in high school with advanced Python knowledge, core problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and the preparation and confidence to study computer science in college. I am delighted that students have so many more options to explore STEM year-round with programs like CodeWizardsHQ.

An Option That’s Right for Your Child

Girl with computer

Every child learns differently and is at a different stage of learning, and every child interested in coding has a different motivation and interest they want to explore. In these times, there are so many options to choose from that you’re sure to be able to find the right fit for your child. Take a moment to consider your child’s specific interests, learning style, and schedule, and then start checking out the various providers and learning formats available, both in person and online. You might find these specific resources helpful as you start your search: National STEM Programs, Online STEM Classes for Kids, and How to Find Online Summer Camps