Meet the Sweeney family and find out how learning to code at CodeWizardsHQ has led Elias to be our Student of the Month!

“Coding will impact our family fully due to technology being the future.” – Aura, Elias’s mother. 

Elias’s Favorite Projects:

Elias and his family were kind enough to answer a few questions about their coding adventure.

Elias’s Answers

Q. What’s your coding background?

I’ve taken both Java 1 and 2. Before, however, I self-taught myself C++ and a small bit of PHP.

Q. What are some things you like about learning to code at CodeWizardsHQ?

I like how questions and concerns can be answered so well, and that no matter what level of experience you’ve had with programming, everyone will always be benevolent towards your progression.

Q. What are your family’s hobbies?

My family likes watching and following sports such as football, basketball, and professional fighting such as mixed martial arts and wrestling.

Q. What subjects do you enjoy in school?
I’ve ensconced myself in math and science, with most of my thinking being filled with both topics.

Q. Anything else fun and interesting you’d like to share about your family?
We enjoy traveling.

His Parents’ Answers:

Q. How did you find out about CodeWizardsHQ?

I found CWHQ through Google.

Q. How do you think coding is going to impact your family in the future?

It will impact our family fully due to technology being the future.

Q. What goals or dreams do you have around coding for your children?

To be well rounded and smart in coding languages.

Elias has graduated from two classes at CodeWizardsHQ. Here is what his teacher, Tyler, had to say about him:

As a student, Elias is an experimenter. He often tested code to see what was possible and really grasped the idea that coding is all about how you use the tools you know. Most classes he would come in with a question about some concept he learned on his own or have it implemented in his homework already. Great all-around student and, if he keeps up that curiosity, he will continue on becoming a great coder.

CodeWizardsHQ Teacher, Tyler Crocker (Java 1 and 2)

At CodeWizardsHQ, our students are our top priority.

Thanks for allowing us to make you our Student of the Month, Elias. We are lucky to have you as a part of our community!

Interested in learning to code this summer? 
See our summer classes and coding camps for kids.

Level up your child’s learning experience. Take a coding class with CodeWizardsHQ:
Elementary School Coding ProgramMiddle School Coding ProgramHigh School Coding Program