Learning is a lifelong journey, but every journey starts somewhere. 

Picking up learning at a young age can have a huge impact: 90% of a child’s brain development happens before age 5. Logical reasoning is one of those cornerstone abilities that strengthen future critical thinking. 

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Logical reasoning is the ability to arrive at a conclusion using a given set of rules. It is a type of problem-solving that we use in daily life.

Here’s why it’s important to develop logical reasoning skills for kids and a few ideas on how to get started.

Why is Logical Reasoning for Kids Important?

Logical thinking and deductive reasoning clearly matter for adults. Why are they so important for younger learners?

Essential to problem-solving.

Without logical reasoning, you won’t be able to draw rational conclusions from the evidence. Forming robust problem-solving skills early in life will help your kid overcome future challenges, no matter whether they are interpersonal, academic, or anything else.

Build a foundation for future learning.

Without understanding the logic behind specific topics, your child won’t be able to grasp why things work the way they do. For example, you can’t learn math just by memorizing numbers; understanding the logic behind equations, functions, and patterns is the real basis of mathematical skills.

With that being said, what are some examples of logical reasoning problems for kids?

Examples of logical reasoning for kids 

No matter how old your kids are, they’ll run into situations where they might need deductive reasoning skills to solve problems. Here are some examples:

Although these examples may seem simple, they showcase critical thinking. Logical thinking and deductive reasoning for kids are important skills to grasp early for better problem-solving down the road. The ability to solve simpler issues is what will empower them to handle real-world problems.

Girl in yellow learning logical reasoning for kids

How to Develop Logical Reasoning in Kids 

So what’s the best way to develop logical reasoning? Here are a few ideas and best practices for kids of all ages:

  1. Try logical reasoning puzzles for kids. The most popular way to hone your reasoning is through logic puzzles. This can be logical reasoning books for kids, games, questions, or anything else that’s designed to exercise your children’s brains. Scroll down for a list of free logical reasoning problems for kids that they can try out today!
  1. Hone in on your kid’s interests. Don’t force a kid who hates numbers to solve sudoku puzzles. If your child loves stories, try storytelling exercises. If they love video games, online logical reasoning games for kids are a great place to get them playing and practicing at the same time.
  1. Encourage problem-solving. Whenever possible, give your child the opportunity to connect the dots on their own. Provide them with the information they need to solve a problem while allowing them to draw conclusions on their own. Modeling problem-solving is great, but ultimately they should be learning the basics from you in order to find their own answers. 
  1. Treat failure as a teachable moment. Everyone fails. Teach your kids not to be afraid of failure. Learning from their failures is what will help them succeed. If they’re bummed about failing at something, point out what they did right to nudge them in the right direction next time. Some kids might take failure harsher than others, so be ready to lend them a listening ear if they need to vent.
  1. Provide resources when needed. While it’s usually best to let kids figure things out on their own, sometimes they’ll run up against a dead end due to a lack of experience or knowledge (or patience). Providing them with resources like the internet, books, or just a key piece of knowledge that might solve their problem can open up the door to further learning and teach them how to ask for help when they need it. 

These general tips apply to kids of any age. Next, let’s take a look at the best way to develop logical reasoning for kids in specific age groups.

Birth – 4 Years

5-10 Years Old

11-13 Years Old

14-18 Years Old

Boy with laptop learning logical reasoning for kids

Logical Reasoning Questions for Kids

Did you know that coding is one of the best skills that also teaches logical reasoning? It encourages problem-solving, critical thinking, and provides a forum for kids to learn, grow, and break things without worrying too much about the consequences.

With this in mind, here are some examples of logical and analytical reasoning questions for kids that are used in coding!

These are a few relatively simple questions that are used in introductory coding lessons. Each of these is a great example of a logical reasoning question for kids that is solvable through programming. Of course, as your kid improves their coding skills they will be able to solve increasingly difficult questions.

Want a few more resources on logical reasoning questions for kids? Check out the links below to help your children practice their reasoning skills.

Coding Teaches Logical Reasoning

Kids can learn to code to gain the logical reasoning skills that are necessary for analyzing, understanding, and solving problems. Logical reasoning feeds into all parts of computational thinking. Programming helps hone logic through trial and error and learning how to code is a step toward strengthening reasoning. 

Our live, online coding classes for kids teach kids with engaging visuals, hands-on projects, and homework help. It’s a fantastic way to improve logical reasoning skills in a safe, supportive environment. Enroll risk-free with our 4-session 100% money-back guarantee!