Scratch is an excellent coding language for children to acquire programming skills. With Scratch, kids can construct games, narratives, and animations by simply dragging and dropping various blocks of code.

In the Scratch classes I’ve taught, students confirm the exceptional interactivity and enjoyment Scratch offers. The Elementary School Core Track teaches kids to craft their own interactive games while learning fundamental programming concepts like variables, loops, and more.

📌 [Download] Printable Scratch Coding Tutorials Get 2 printable Scratch tutorials, Rocket Landing and Flying Space Cat, to code your own games step by step. Download Now

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a sprite jump in the Snake Jumper game. You will learn about animating sprites, accepting user input, and checking for collisions between two sprites. Let’s get started! 

Play and remix the Snake Jumper game now.

Snake jumper game in Scratch

What you need:

  1. Scratch account: Create a free Scratch account

No coding experience is necessary for this Scratch tutorial. Beginner-friendly for kids ages 8 and up. Give it a try!

How to Make a Sprite Jump in Scratch

  1. Login to Scratch
  2. Create a new Scratch project
  3. Name your new Scratch project
  4. Choose a backdrop
  5. Choose a sprite
  6. Make the sprite move up
  7. Make the sprite move down
  8. Change the sprite’s costume
  9. Reset the sprite’s position
  10. Test your game!
  11. Bonus – Add an enemy sprite to avoid

1. Login to Scratch

Login to scratch

2. Create a New Scratch Project

create a new project in scratch

3. Name your new Scratch project

Name your new scratch project

4. Choose a backdrop

Choose a backdrop
Select the jungle scratch backdrop

5. Choose a sprite

choose a sprite
Select the wizard toad sprite
Position the wizard toad sprite

6. Make the sprite move up

The action of jumping is simply moving a sprite up and then back down. We will be moving the sprite when the space bar is clicked. 

make the sprite move up
Add a repeat button
add a change y by block

7. Make the sprite move down

The sprite went up, now it must come down automatically. That will complete the act of jumping after the space bar is clicked.

Make the sprite move down
Add another repeat block

8. Change the sprite’s costume

When the sprite moves, you can change how it looks so it appears as though it’s actually jumping.

Change the sprites costume
Add a switch costume to

9. Reset the sprite’s position

Add a go to x and y block
Add a motion block

10. Test your game!

Bonus – Add an enemy sprite to avoid

  1. Add another sprite
  2. Make the enemy sprite move
  3. End the game if the sprites collide
  4. Test your game!

1. Add another sprite

Choose a sprite
Choose the snake sprite

Change the size of the sprite

2. Make the enemy sprite move

Make the enemy sprite move
Add a forever block
Add a go to x and y block
Wait block in scratch
Add a glide block

3. End the game if the sprites collide

The goal is for the frog to jump over the snake and not touch it. If the two collide, the game is over.

When green flag clicked
Add a forever block
Add an if then block
Add a sensing condition
Add if then block

4. Test your game!

Your game is complete! 

Take a look at the final product, your Snake Jumper game is complete. Play Snake Jumper.

More Scratch Tutorials & Games

Check out these other fun Scratch project tutorials and games!

Now that you know how to make a sprite jump, you can add it to any of your own projects.

Download Free Printable Scratch Coding Tutorials PDF

Get the Rocketship Landing game and Flying Space Cat Scratch tutorials in a printable format.

Try a Scratch Coding Class for Kids

CodeWizardsHQ firmly believes that initiating the exploration of technology and programming during childhood can pave the way for future success. We have designed a structured program for elementary school coding, leveraging the power of Scratch to teach coding principles.

In the first course, Animation and Games with Scratch, students delve into essential programming concepts, including variables, loops, and conditionals. By the end of this course, they will possess the ability to create their own games and animations using Scratch. This prepares them for their journey toward a future in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Our coding classes for kids allow children to nurture their skills, unleash their imaginations, and experience the joy of learning!