Education in 2020 has made a significant shift to the online classroom and remote learning. 

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of CodeWizardsHQ, we surveyed 2,000 American parents of school-aged children and examined both parents and students’ biggest challenges with digital learning during this unique school year. 

Read our top kids online learning statistics and download the infographic.

Kids Remote Learning Stats

94% of American parents are concerned about “summer slide” or learning loss as the result of COVID-related disruptions to the previous school year, according to new research.

94% parent concerned about summer slide

55% of parents believe digital schooling is conducive to their child’s learning style.

On average, respondents’ children have been enrolled in digital or hybrid schooling for three months over the course of the current school year and the last. 

76% of those parents are also concerned that their child’s academic performance will be impacted by the shift to remote learning. 

76% parents concerned about academics

According to parents, top remote learning pain points in this period include:

1. Bandwidth issues (54%)
2. Missing the group interactions of in-person class (40%)
3. Becoming distracted by other things in the remote schooling environment (39%)
4. Delays related to teachers’ tech learning curve (36%)
5. Struggling to focus during online class (32%)

When it came to the features that parents felt would make their child’s online learning process easier, having all classes recorded for reference (40%) and the ability to live chat teachers or instructors for help (35%) were among the most desired attributes.

Top of parents online learning wishlist

Respondents also reported the skills and hobbies they would most like their children to take up in the future

1 in 4 parents want their child to code

Coding Education Stats

According to parents, top skills parents want their children to acquire:

1. Engineering (31%)
2. Learning to code (26%)
3. Learning a different language (22%)
4. Writing (11%)
5. Starting their own business (5%)

25Hour of Code Activities for Kids Banner

In regards to coding education specifically, many parents see it as an important skill:

77% believe coding is important to succeed

86% of parents worry that their child doesn’t have all of the skills they need to be successful in their future. So, parents are looking forward rather than at the current school year alone:

Do you have an interesting statistic about kids online learning? Share with me in our Facebook group.

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