It’s fantastic to see how many kids and college students are already doing amazing things in coding and STEM while they’re still in school! Learn more about these amazing young people below, along with exciting advances in robotics and STEM resources available for school districts and students.

Alexis and her HuggieBot

1. What to Do If People Laugh At Your Idea

When Alexis Block started her work on HuggieBot, the first human-sized hugging robot with visual and haptic perception, her professors and colleagues belittled her idea. Discover her unique work in robotics and read her advice for how to face your critics.

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STEM report

2. STEM Report Offers Strong Blueprint For Government and Communities

For all the turmoil the pandemic has caused, it also emphasized the importance of STEM. This article from Forbes goes into a recent report with recommendations for how to improve STEM learning for everyone across the United States.

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Facebook grant for STEM

3. Bondurant-Farrar Improves STEM Learning for Students with Facebook Grant

A school district in Iowa was able to make a huge investment in improving their STEM program thanks to a grant from Facebook. Learn more about Facebook’s grant program and how this school district is using the grant funds to make STEM more fun for their students.

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Time magazine Kid of the Year

4. Interview With a Time Kid of the Year

High school sophomore Gitanjali Rao already has an impressive resume — she was named America’s Top Young Scientist, was highlighted in Forbes in their “30 Under 30 in Science” feature, has invented several devices, and most recently was named Time magazine’s Kid of the Year.

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Women in STEM

5. Four Women in STEM Who Legit Became Exactly What You Wanted to Be When You Grew Up

While women are still underrepresented in STEM fields across the board, these women are leaders in their fields and inspiring girls today for the careers they could have in the future. Their work in astronomy, game design, and web design will fascinate you.

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Coding for Champions

6. Pascal Siakam to Help Toronto Kids Learn to Code with New Training Program

The Toronto Raptors star’s PS43 Foundation launched its first initiative, Coding for Champions, to teach students in Toronto schools coding and technology skills through a free 10-week program.

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Robots for warehouses

7. Big Box Robots

More proof that STEM is the future — many robotics companies are turning their focus to automating warehouse processes (it’s all about keeping up with Amazon). See the latest advancements in robotics that have been developed specifically for picking, shipping, and delivering products.

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Problem solving with robotics

8. Children’s Problem Solving Extends Beyond the Brain

New research from the University of Georgia suggests that combining traditional calculating and memorization with physical actions and interactions with other students can help kids learn skills needed in STEM careers more easily. Get more details about this study, where they observed fifth graders problem solving with robotics.

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Introducing kids to technology

9. How to Introduce Your Kids to Technology

Technology is all around us and is available to kids even as toddlers. This article offers tips for parents when it comes to introducing their kids to technology for the first time and how to monitor kids’ use of devices, websites, and more.

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Coding books for kids

10. These 15 Coding Books Might Spark the Inner Programmer in Your Kid

Interest in coding doesn’t have to start in front of a computer! Check out this list of books for kids that range from fun coding projects to inspirational stories of leaders in STEM to introductions to the basic concepts of coding for younger kids.

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